Dear Dennis:

My father appears to be very depressed and doesn't want to leave his house. He is retired (he was laid off from work), has no savings, and hates life now. What is the best method to get him out of the house and socialize? He will go out for lunch, but no walks, no local clubs, no vacations, won't celebrate holidays. I offer to pay for everything, but he won't accept anything. I sent him an Omaha steaks package for Easter, but once again he will stay home by himself. Thanks in advance for your advice. — Marnie

Hi Marnie:

There are many senior citizen recreation places around towns and hopefully in your community. I would suggest that you take him to one and stay with him for a few times to see if he connects. Also check with the local hospitals, libraries, food banks, and shelters; maybe you can get him to volunteer some community service. Does he have any friends or family members close to his age that you can have a social at his place to get others to come to him if he won't reach out? You did not mention his age. He may need some therapy and you should also look into that. It sounds like he is experiencing depression and perhaps medical advice may also be advisable. Good luck. I am sure it is very hard for you to watch this happening to your father, but you need to do all you can to get him motivated as best you can, if you can. He may chose not to do anything, and then all you can do is stay in touch, let him know you love him and that you are there for him. Good luck. — Dennis

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