Dear Dennis Letters

B.I.L.Y. Founder Dennis Poncher Answers Readers' EMail Questions

woman typing at a computer

Dennis loves to hear from both parents and youth and tries to answer every email he receives. You are welcome to ask him a question HERE.

Dear Dennis:

I read about B.I.L.Y. and would like to find a support group close to home. I am in need of help with my son, age 17 1/2, before he ends up dead or in jail. Please contact me if you have any info for me either about B.I.L.Y. or any other local group. Thank you. — Elissa

Hi Elis...

Dear Dennis:

My 16-year-old son has made three attempts on his life, as well as, drinking and drug taking. I have spent the last two years trying to get help for him and supporting him. I now find I need some support and I do not know who to ask or where to turn. — Allison

Dear Allison:


Dear Dennis:

Are there any support groups in south Florida? I live near Ft. Lauderdale, and I am in desperate need of support. I am a guidance counselor and a psychotherapist and have helped thousands of children in my 30 years of practice, but I can't save my own child! Even an online group would...

Dear Dennis:

I am a divorced mother who is having a very rough time with a 15-year-old rebellious son who has been caught drinking and smoking pot. He also has no respect for anyone and has verbally abused me and his little brother. I have tried numerous times to co-parent with his father and it...

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